Why the rate of unemployment among young adults is a public health concern. ... Read more
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Did you know? After the last post on this page is a link to "Older posts".Saturday, March 21, 2015
Florida Is Muzzling Prison Inspectors As Record Numbers Of Inmates Die
A judge dismissed a suit challenging a gag order placed on prison inspectors in recent months ... Read more
McConnell Declares War On A Livable Climate, Aims To Stop National And Global Action
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is taking unprecedented steps to block climate action. But while his efforts can't save the coal ... Read more
The U.S. Just Got New Environmental Rules For Fracking, And Republicans Are Freaking Out
Already, 27 Senate Republicans have introduced a bill to block them, and two oil industry groups have filed a lawsuit to ... Read more
"How To Beat A Ticket" by Old Fart Rants
"I was sitting with some friends at Starbucks recently when an older gentleman came up to our table and started passing out little metal hearts with Bible verses on them. He went on and on about how great God is, and told us he'd been pulled over by a cop for talking on his cell phone while driving, but he prayed to God to stop the cop from giving him a ticket, and the cop didn't - proof positive that prayer works! Right? Now even though my mind was racing with all the proof I could give this guy that prayer is nothing but superstition, I showed an incredible amount of restraint and didn't say a word - mostly because he was just an old, confused codger who's been brainwashed all his life to believe nonsense, and because I didn't want to make a scene in front of my friends. But here's what I should have said. You mean to tell me that almighty God, who created the unfathomable depth and breadth of the universe and everything in it, who knows what every atom and subatomic particle in his infinite creation is doing at every nanosecond... THAT God thinks you're so special that he decided to ignore the indescribable amount of suffering, misery and death happening simultaneously all over the world to the children he loves so much, and spend his time to help you beat a traffic ticket, which you are 100% guilty of by the way. Is THAT what you expect me to believe? Seriously? Ok – if you want to convince me, how about instead of you being such a selfish son of a bitch, you pray for something worthwhile like asking God to stop letting over 1400 innocent little children under 5 years old starve to death every day, or how about praying for cures for all the wonderful terminal diseases God has given us to enjoy? How about tonight before you go to sleep, when you pray to that god who you know in your heart favors helping you with your selfish, petty little problems while ignoring so many others who are suffering and really need his help, you pray for THAT? And tomorrow morning, if the headlines in every newspaper in the world read "All Diseases Cured, And All World Problems Mysteriously Solved" I'll convert to Christianity on the spot! How about you do that?"
Pro-Equality Florida Lawmakers Discover The Hard Way That No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
A pro-equality symbolic gesture has prompted the introduction of new pro-discrimination legislation. ... Read more
The #1 Threat to Peace in the World -- Guess Who? It's U.S.
World polling is unanimous on this point: The US is behind an arc of violence stretching from Latin America to the Middle East.
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Employers aren't really cutting health benefits
"...But a new study found that so far there's little cause for concern: Average enrollment in company plans was essentially unchanged between 2014 and 2015 at 74% of all workers..."
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Actor Sean Penn Savages ‘Bacteria Of Humanity’ And War Criminal Dick Cheney On Conan (VIDEO)
Sean Penn didn't hold back on Wednesday as he absolutely savaged former Vice President and face-shooter Dick Cheney for paving ... Read more
Why We Are All Atheists to Some Extent
The word derives from the Greek for "without god." And all of us deny the existence of at least some gods. ... Read more

We tried for years to get pregnant. Here’s what I wish people hadn’t said to us.
My husband and I tried for more than two years to get pregnant with our son. The second year was full of difficult fertility tests and treatments. Inv... Read more

California Assisted Suicide Bill Gets U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Endorsement
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) came out in support of California's End of Life Option Act on Tuesday in a letter written to the assisted suicid... Read more
Watch Top Chef Tom Colicchio Roast The GOP For Taking Food Off Children’s Plates (VIDEO)
“We’re not talking about deadbeats, we’re talking about seniors, we’re talking about people with disabilities, 16 million children rely on SNAP.”
“The SNAP program works. There’s very little fraud in the program, in fact under two percent. Everybody runs around saying the SNAP program is ripe with fraud. Absolutely not true at all, and so people really need to understand what this program does, who it supports and that people are still struggling and desperate. If you really want to cut SNAP, let’s raise the minimum wage.”
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Watch Celebrity Top Chef MSNBC Food Correspondent Tom Colicchio Grill the GOP (skip forward to 1:50 to hear Tom’s arguments against Republicans and for SNAP),
“The SNAP program works. There’s very little fraud in the program, in fact under two percent. Everybody runs around saying the SNAP program is ripe with fraud. Absolutely not true at all, and so people really need to understand what this program does, who it supports and that people are still struggling and desperate. If you really want to cut SNAP, let’s raise the minimum wage.”
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Watch Celebrity Top Chef MSNBC Food Correspondent Tom Colicchio Grill the GOP (skip forward to 1:50 to hear Tom’s arguments against Republicans and for SNAP),
Michigan Will Save $12M By Feeding Inmates Maggots, Rat-Nibbled Cake, Says GOP Governor (VIDEO) (Michigan)
After e-mails surfaced showing Michigan private prison food workers frosted over cakes that had been nibbled or pawed by rats,
"On the menu – Meatballs, gravy, noodles, bread, cooked carrots and cake or a cookie – didn’t match what was on the plate, which contained a green and spoiled hamburger patty, cold gravy, cold noodles with a vinegar odor, raw carrots, moldy bread and a green orange in place of dessert, the lawsuit claims. The milk was warm and past its expiration date.ast its expiration date."... Read more
Jon Stewart Asks When Fox Is Going To Hold Themselves Accountable For Their Anger And Divisiveness
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a whack at Fox "news" for the double standard when it comes to their screaming for accountability on Ferguson while ... Read more
Bernie Sanders Rails Against GOP Budget As Boost To Income Inequality
WASHINGTON -- To Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the new Republican budgets offered this week aren't so much spending blueprints as they are promises to ... Read more
Birth Of A (Christian) Nation: Scholars Debate The Genesis Of A Popular Myth
God is still part of the Religious Right's trinity, but the other two figures are President Ronald W. Reagan and Ayn Rand.
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Week In The News: Bibi Wins, GOP Budget, Millionaire 'Killed Them All' (Tom Ashbrook, On Point)
Rough times in US-Israel relations this week. Benjamin Netanyahu says no to a two-state solution — fundamental US policy for years — then turns around to try and soften once he’s re-elected. The US has decisions to make. In Tunisia, a bloody museum massacre. ISIS claims it. At the University of Virginia, a hard police takedown of a black honors student. Ten stitches and a cry again of racism. In Congress, Republicans put up their budget numbers. Big cuts. Secret Service, still in the hot seat. A millionaire seems to confess to murder. This hour On Point: our weekly roundtable goes behind the headlines. / Tom Ashbrook
Friday, March 20, 2015
‘What Do You Make?': A Teacher Gives The Perfect Response To This Rude Question (VIDEO)
Taylor Mali was enjoying a friend's dinner party until a fellow guest began to harass him about being a teacher. His response ... Read more
How state legislators plan to limit LGBT rights next, in one map
Advocates of same-sex marriage are getting closer to a full victory in the US: it's now legal for gay and lesbian couples to marry in 37 states and Wa... Read more

Arctic sea ice hit a record low this winter. Here's why it matters.
As the planet heats up, the Arctic Ocean's vast expanse of sea ice keeps shrinking. On Thursday, scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center ... Read more

Matthew Gregory McLaughlin, California Lawyer, Proposes Ballot Measure Allowing Execution of Gays
A group of California legislators filed a complaint Thursday against a lawyer who proposed a statewide ballot initiative that would allow gays and lesbians to be "put to death by bullets to the head."
The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion
"...For the first time, the public can now read the hastily drafted CIA document that led Congress to pass a joint resolution authorizing the use of military force in Iraq, a costly war launched March 20, 2003 that was predicated on "disarming" Iraq of its (non-existent) WMD, overthrowing Saddam Hussein, and "freeing" the Iraqi people..."
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Amazon losing its capacity to absorb carbon from the atmosphere
The most extensive land-based study of the Amazon to date reveals it's losing its capacity to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. The results of this monumental 30-year survey of the South American rainforest, which involved an int'l team of almost 100 researchers, are published in the journal Nature... Read more

Goober Gohmert Wants To Bomb Iran Right Away
If you're Louie Gohmert, people aren't humans worthy to live unless they're Christians, which is a completely un-Christian idea. He speaks of bombing ... Read more

Fox News' Nina Easton: Opposing Voter ID Laws Is ' Ghettoizing Some People'
On Wednesday, March 18th, President Obama spoke at the City Club of Cleveland where he brought up the idea of mandatory voting. "If everybody voted, ... Read more
For Christian Millennials, gay marriage debate produces new views on morality
The vote this week by the Presbyterian Church USA to redefine marriage points to a deeper debate for Millennials about interpretations of biblical mor... Read more
Watch Santorum Respond To Question On 'Communist Dictator' Obama
During an appearance at the South Carolina National Security Action Summit last week, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) fielded a question from an angr... Read more
La. Superintendent Slams Jindal's 'Political' Anti-Common Core Plan
After Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) announced his plan to remove Common Core standards on Wednesday, the state superintendent criticized the plan as... Read more
Dems Mount Third Filibuster Of Sex Trafficking Bill Over Abortion Dispute
WASHINGTON — For the third time in three days, Senate Democrats filibustered legislation designed to combat human trafficking due to an anti-abortion ... Read more
Town Outraged By School Reading Pledge Of Allegiance In Arabic
A New York school has experienced a less-than-stellar Foreign Langauge Week after students and parents jeered and complained over an Arabic reading of... Read more
Rick Perry PAC Staffer: Does God Really Want a Female President?
A recently hired adviser to former Texas Gov. Rick Perry's (R-TX) campaign-in-waiting made waves in the 2012 presidential race when he suggested it isn't God's will to have a female president. ... Read more
Fox Host: 'Do We Really Want Everybody Voting? I Don’t Think So!' (VIDEO)
Fox News host Andrea Tantaros joined her fellow panelists on the show "Outnumbered" on Thursday in bashing President Obama's suggestion that mandatory... Read more
A Tiny California Fish Is On Brink Of Extinction And The Ramifications Are Huge
Life for the Delta smelt has gone from bad to worse, and there are major ecological and legal ramifications... Read more
The House Energy Committee Wants To Undercut The EPA’s Coal Ash Regulations
The House bill would make civilian suits -- like the one brought Thursday against a Virginia utility company -- more ... Read more
The Movie Climate Science Deniers Don’t Want You To See
The now-classic book "Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global ... Read more
Students Arrested While Protesting Congress’ Plan To Slash Billions From Higher Education Spending
"No cuts, no fees, education should be free," the demonstrators chanted. The post Students Arrested While Protesting ... Read more
Marco Rubio Gets An ‘F’ On Net Neutrality
The Florida senator gets called out for his "misleading" arguments and mixed metaphors. ... Read more
Gates, Bloomberg join forces to fight big tobacco
"Country leaders who are trying to protect their citizens from the harms of tobacco should not be deterred by threats of costly legal challenges from huge tobacco companies," said Gates...
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Jack Lew: Higher minimum wage = stronger economy
"...It would take congressional action to alter the federal minimum wage, and so far Congress has been reluctant to do it. Some lawmakers argue that lifting the national minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $10.10 -- the number the White House has proposed -- will hurt the economy..."Read more

RWW News: Sandy Rios Warns Christians To Prepare For Martyrdom
Sandy Rios warns attendees at a Religious Right conference that persecution will increase if the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage and so they need to prepare for martyrdom.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Streaming now on Netflix: Jesus Camp
This documentary follows three kids at a controversial summer camp that grooms the next generation of conservative Christian political activists.
"Famous British TV Star Dinesh D'Souza Gets Trampled by Bart Ehrman in this debate"
"Dinesh D'Souza is the star of "Mr. Bean". Give him credit where credit is due."
Arizona Lawmakers Pass New Tax Break for Religious Groups
..."This bill would shift the tax burden to property owners not affected by this legislation and/or result in property tax losses for local governments," that analysis says...
Ted Cruz, champion of local control, tries to overturn D.C. laws on gay rights and contraception
"Texas senator conveniently jettisons his principles to push social conservative agenda."
Nebraska's Catholic Bishops Call for Repeal of Death Penalty
"...He said, "Dignity of people is from conception to death. It is contrary to the dignity of somebody to electrocute them. I just think that's the basis of it. We can keep people safe. We have secure ways to keep people who can't live in society, without the death penalty."..."
Controversial adoption bills pass the State House (Michigan)
LANSING (WKZO) -- The Michigan House has just voted to approve a package of bills that would permit faith-based adoption agencies to deny child placements with LGBT couples or singles, because it violates their religious beliefs and still receive state funding.
Many Republican officials harbor a rebellious stance towards the federal government that they were elected to serve, and whose authority they are supp... Read more

Toward True Religious Freedom
The Orwellian named in Religious Freedom Restoration Act Indiana looks like it is about to become the law of the land. The gist of this act is that it... Read more

Religion To The Rescue? Santorum Says Forcing Students To Read The Bible Will Save America
Time and again, Santorum has shown that he has little grasp of the principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. His message is tiresome, and he is offering the American people absolutely nothing new or interesting.
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Feds Arrest Man In Alleged Aryan Plot To 'Storm Washington' And Kill Obama
So, in other words, a Christian terrorist group. I wonder if Fox News will fear monger over this -- and specifically call it a Christian terrorist organization -- the way they do with terrorists who call themselves Muslim.
A Missouri man allegedly made plans to shoot President Obama and solicited help from a former Aryan Nation member to carry out his plot, according to ... Read more
A Missouri man allegedly made plans to shoot President Obama and solicited help from a former Aryan Nation member to carry out his plot, according to ... Read more
Former GOP Connecticut Guv Sentenced To 30 Months In Prison
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Former Connecticut Gov. John Rowland was sentenced to 30 months in prison for his role in a political consulting scheme on Wedn... Read more
Obama: With Climate Change, ‘There Comes A Point of No Return’
In the interview, Obama called climate change "an example of the hardest problems to solve" and called out gas and oil "shills" ... Read more
Five Gimmicks In The Republican Budget That Does ‘Not Rely On Gimmicks’
House Republicans' budget relies on unusual accounting, unspecific cuts, and a slush fund to deliver on its promises. The post ... Read more
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