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Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Here We Go Again!" by Old Fart Rants - YouTube

(Note: Contains profanity.)

Partial Transcript of this video:

Apparently one credit downgrade for the United States isn't enough for House Republicans and their Tea Party spawn. So here we go again! Straight out of the Republican playbook - yet another manufactured problem, just like WMD's in Iraq, which they have a solution for that only benefits them and their rich sponsors. Remember last year when the Republicans threatened to shut down the government over raising the debt ceiling, and ended up signing a deal with the Democrats that if the "super committee" couldn't come up with a solution, which they didn't, automatic cuts would begin to things both parties really don't want to cut? Well the Republicans have decided to back out of the deal, and now they're threatening to shut down the government again if they don't get their way. Even though Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times in 8 years, and George Bush raised it 10 times in 8 years, and even though raising the debt ceiling has never been an issue in all of American history until President Obama took office, and even though the bulk of the current deficit was caused by Bush's unpaid for wars and huge tax breaks for the rich, NOW it's a problem! But Republicans want to make students and the poor, and the sick, and the elderly pay for everything. And unless Republicans get their way, they're threatening to shut down the government. But most of all Republicans want to cut spending because spending cuts will also mean lots of public sector jobs will be lost, which will make it harder for the economy to recover, which will increase their chances of winning in November. They have zero interest in what's best for our country - they only care about lining the pockets of a handful of super rich people who pull their strings. This goes way beyond obstruction - this is pure extortion, and governing by extortion is called fascism folks. I've said it before and I'm going to keep on saying it from now until the election. These people are as un-American as it gets, they're traitors - and unless we vote every Republican and Tea Tard Nazi out of office in November, we can kiss this country goodbye. Get out your pitchforks and torches - if you think Europe has problems, wait until you see what happens here if we let them get away with what they've got planned.

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