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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ted The Atheist vs Irrational, Crazy Scientologists in Hollywood

"I see these crackpots every day on the corner. They get these young kids to come out and try to give people pamphlets for "personality tests", but really, they are just tests that no matter how you score on them (you have to have an in-person meeting to get results), they will tell you that something is wrong with you and only "Scientology" can save you. (I really hate that they stole the word "scientology". It doesn't belong associated with their crap religion. It's a word that supposed to refer to science, not "science fiction".

Did you know that the founder, Hubbard, was a sci-fi writer? The ultimate beliefs of scientology is that this evil space warlord named Xenu sent disembodied spirits to Earth, 75 mil years ago, with false memories.. and they "inhabit us" and cause us unhappiness.. there's a bit more to it.. but the main thing I already knew that these guys believe in which is irrational is "reincarnation"... thus why I brought it up.

I knew they would dismiss the Xenu story because they haven't been presented with it yet - and they are told that it's a lie - even though tons of x-scientologists will tell you that it's the "main story". Also, I found it funny that they said that anyone who USED to be in the religion will not have any truthful information ABOUT the religion.. so does that mean I don't have any good info on it either? It's like, you need to "believe" to know "the truth".. not.

Well, I'll let you guys decide for yourselves. They are batshit crazy... they all are. They come at you, pretending like they want to appease your curiosity, but after you dig into the "answers" online (yes, we have information online which is accurate, 'scientologists'), you'll see that it's just bullshit to get you into their wacko beliefs.

Ok one more thing I must comment on from the video: These crazy people think that the "mind" is separate from our brain, and is NOT a product of our working brain. Sorry, but that's too bat-shit crazy for me. Course I would ask them for evidence for this, but we both know I'd get the same response from them as when I asked for evidence for spirits. O_o"

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