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Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Rinse and Repeat" by Old Fart Rants

"The Republican Party has gone completely off the rails - they have nothing to offer except clowns, lies, fear, and hate. Donald Trump said he'd love to have Sarah Palin on his team - not as his running mate because of course even a bloviated carnival barker like Trump knows she's a total moron, and their campaign slogan would have to be "You're Fired / I Quit!" He meant having her in his cabinet which would make her one of those dreaded czars she hates so much. But of course he's lying about that just to get votes from the flock of idiots who are so stupid and uninformed they actually think Sarah Palin is qualified for anything besides standing in front of a flag babbling incoherently. Donald Trump is leading the polls for the Republican Party's presidential nomination! To conservatives, the Pope is now the most dangerous man in the world - Marxist enemy number one. Some even think he's the Anti-Christ! The friggin' Pope! We have unprecedented disrespect for the President of the United States all because he's black with a Muslimy sounding name. Unprecedented obstruction which hasn't just prevented good things from happening for the country, it's actually damaged the country! Benghazi is still a bigger failure than 9-11. Fox News is still lying about everything and their viewers are still too dumb to know it. The rest of the modern world is making great advances in healthcare and renewable energy while we can't even get out potholes fixed. I just saw where a guy got a bill from the hospital for $153,000 for treating his snakebite. That's enough to buy a house in a lot of American cities. Only an idiot could ever think we have the “best healthcare system in the world” and only a bunch of crooks would try to repeal Obamacare over 60 times knowing full well they can’t, and call it patriotism! They've got wild conspiracy theories that make science fiction look a documentary. Almost 100 years since the Scopes trial they're still trying to replace science with religion to force their fairy tale beliefs everyone. Racism, bigotry and imaginary divine authority are not only alive and well - they're on steroids! They completely control Congress now, but they haven't accomplished a single thing except to name a few post offices. They have no ideas and no alternative solutions for anything – all they do is lie, whine and complain. The only thing the Republican Party's has been FOR since Obama was first elected is trying to undermine Roe V. Wade and go after Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile they're ready to start a war and kill other people's sons and daughters at the drop of a hat, actually proposing war as a better option than a treaty with Iran that everyone in the world thinks is good but them. They're literally ready to bring on Armageddon just to get their way. How much worse can things get? With so much idiocy going on for so long, it's getting hard to pick a story anymore, much less keep up. What's left to say that hasn't been said? Why bother, especially when it's all so easy to understand. No matter what act is in the center ring of their circus of nightmares at the time, here's all you need to know: Republicans and their Tea Party spawn are bad. Democrats are less bad, making them the lesser of 2 evils. And here's how to fix the problem: Get rid of every Republican in every office from dog catcher to President of the United States, and only elect Democrats for at least the next 8 to 12 years. See if things get better. If not, rinse and repeat. That's it."

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