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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Vote Republican - IF..." by Old Fart Rants

"Vote Republican if you want another economic meltdown even bigger and more devastating than their last one. Vote Republican if you want full blown wars based on lies. Vote Republican if you never want to see the immigration issue fixed. Vote Republican if you want 50% of America not to have health insurance, and those that do barely being able to afford it. They have no plan for health care and never will, they have proven it with 50 votes to repeal Obamacare and no plan to back it up! Vote Republican if you want racial tensions to get out of control and see more bloody mass shootings. Vote republican if you want your taxes go up and the filthy rich's taxes go down. 

Vote Republican if you want the government to be shut down, again and again, whenever they don't get their way about something. Vote Republican if you want to get stuck with the bill after the wars they make billions off of. Vote Republican if you want them to block any and all bills to help the veterans when they come home. Vote Republican if you want your right to vote taken away. Vote Republican if you want to see women put in their place, and treated like breeding stock who are too stupid to make their own decisions. Vote Republican if you want every person to be armed and ready to kill you, and get away with it by saying you scared them. 

Vote Republican if you want Wall Street to handle your Social Security money which you paid in! Vote Republican if you want banks and credit card companies to keep ripping you off. Vote Republican if you want Medicare to be run by private for profit systems whose only concern is their bottom line, not your health! Vote Republican if you want students to be strapped with so much debt after they graduate they'll never pay it off, especially since they won’t be able to find a job! Vote Republican if you want women to die in back alleys and from self-induced abortions. 

Vote Republican if you want your boss to tell you what kind of healthcare you can have, and what you can do in your bedroom. Vote Republican if you want your children to be taught fairy tales in school instead of reality. Vote Republican if you want to see the environment destroyed by people who think a book full of nonsense gives them the right to. Vote Republican if you want to watch, and pay for, sham hearings about Benghazi for 2 more years! The mid-term elections are just a couple of weeks away - if you want all these things to happen in America, then vote Republican. If not, you know what you need to do. This might be the last chance to stop the cancer the GOP has become from destroying our country."

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