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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"A Question Of Truth" by Old Fart Rants

Donald Trump is a bigger threat to America than ISIS is, and he's doing more to promote recruits to radical Islam than anyone else in the world. He's proposed a total shutdown on all Muslims entering the United States until our leaders figure out what the hell is going on. Well let me explain it to you Donald - it's actually very simple. The problem is religion. We have billions of people living in the 21st century believing Bronze Age fairy tales are real who are more than happy to go to war against anybody who believes different fairy tales than theirs. It all boils down to a question of truth. Remember when Republicans like George Bush and Sarah Palin said that our invasion of Iraq was "God's work."

Remember how we killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims and displaced millions more, all based on lies from Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld? And since you constantly tout your opposition to that war Donald, you of all people should understand why they hate us. Anyone who thinks “they hate us for our freedom” is an idiot. And finally Donald, now that I've explained to you what the hell is going on, and since you like over the top ideas, here's what we do about it. We have Islam and Christianity, or any other religion that's interested, appoint a supreme spokesperson they see as closest to their god. We have them go to the World Court in the Hague, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on their own holy book, sit on the witness stand, and invoke their god to make a personal appearance like he used to do in their holy books thousands of years ago but stopped for some reason.

If there ever was a time that god needed to show up it's now, so I doubt any real god would snub such an invitation. Each supreme spokesperson will have 20 minutes to have their god show up in person, prove that he created the universe and is still in charge of all of it at all times, and give clear instructions, rules and regulations on how the whole of humanity should live. Whichever spokesperson accomplishes this feat wins, and their religion will be installed as the only religion on the planet. If no spokesperson can accomplish this then all religion will be abolished around the world - people can still believe crazy crap if they want, but no more organized religion – no more tax exemptions for churches, no more influence by any religious beliefs on any governments or laws will be tolerated, and anybody who claims religious beliefs as facts, such as living in god's grace, or having a wonderful afterlife, or wiping out the infidels will be thrown in prison for life for fraud. There you go Donald - that's the root problem and the solution.

And this shouldn’t bother you a bit since you’re only faking being a Christian to get votes. You've heard me say many times that religion rots the mind and is a cancer on society. Religion is a road block to scientific and social progress, and is the number one reason for hatred and conflict - and we're observing that in real time right now. Anyone who can't see that now is a fool. As I said at the top of the video, it's all about truth. If you agree that the definition of truth is that which can be proven to be true, then there is no truth in religion - any religion. Religion, all religions are nothing but a pack of lies. Religion has to go, the sooner the better...

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