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Saturday, July 25, 2015

How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington's Designs to Control the Planet

Must Read.
Washington will reflect a fear of the increasing strategic depth Russia and China are developing economically.
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▶ NYPD Beats Black Man For Stealing Pizza Slice [VIDEO] - YouTube

We have footage of two New York police officials that are beating a young black man for allegedly stealing a slice of pizza. The video show Thomas Jennings at a store counter when he is approached by an officer. He appears to surrender when a second police officer comes in and punches Jennings in the head. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian (The Point) hosts of The Young Turks discuss.

Did the police use excessive force? Does Jennings surrender? Let us know in the comments below.

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"A grocery store surveillance video shows a young black man holding his hands up in surrender before two New York police officers start pounding him in the head over the suspected theft of a $3 slice of pizza.

Thomas Jennings, 24, can be seen in the surveillance camera video leaning on the counter at a grocery store in Brooklyn on July 7, when NYPD officer Lenny Lutchman approaches from behind and immediately starts shoving him in the chest and grabbing his wrist. Jenning appears surprised and raises both hands in surrender."

Right-Wing ALEC Now Says School Vouchers Are for Kids in Suburbia, Not the Poor

Privatizers go where the money is: the middle class.
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GOP Candidates Are Frothing With Islamophobia — Will Any Major Democrats Stand Up Against It?

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are using code words and collaborating with some of the biggest fearmongers and not paying a price.
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Texas Trooper Had No Right to Ask Sandra Bland to Put Out Her Cigarette

There was nothing lawful about Trooper Encinia's order.
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MSNBC Cans Only Cable TV Host Who Extensively Covered TPP

Schultz covered the issue more often than the rest of the network's programs combined.
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Racist New Yorker Berates MTA Employee: 'Learn to Speak English You F*cking Idiot' (VIDEO)

Post-racial America is still on hold until further review.
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Friday, July 24, 2015

Week In The News: Sandra Bland, Cuban Embassy, Obama In Kenya (Tom Ashbrook, On Point)

It’s hard to get past that dash-cam video of the Sandra Bland arrest this week. That story is not over. We’re on it. And it has a lot of company in the news. The Iran deal, under fire on Capitol Hill. “Bamboozlement,” say Republicans. The option is war, says John Kerry. On the border, Donald Trump does his thing. Ohio’s John Kasich joins the GOP field. Planned Parenthood takes heat. In New York, it’s fifteen bucks an hour for fast food workers. In Lafayette, another theater shooting. And the President flies to Africa. This hour On Point: our weekly news roundtable goes behind the headlines. / Tom Ashbrook

Friday News Roundup – Domestic (Diane Rehm Show)

Lawmakers grill Secretary of State John Kerry over the Iran nuclear deal as a 60-day congressional review begins. A Senate highway bill faces a roadblock in the House as a deadline looms. The Justice Department is asked to open a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email account. Yet another Republican enters the presidential race as candidates scramble for a spot on the debate stage. A report warns that the Social Security disability fund will run short next year. And a firestorm over a Planned Parenthood video unfolds. A panel of journalists joins guest host Susan Page for analysis of the week’s top national news stories.

Friday News Roundup – International (Diane Rehm Show)

President Barack Obama arrives in Kenya today for meetings on security and trade with East Africa. It’s the first official visit to Kenya by a sitting president. Turkey grants the U.S. permission to use its bases to launch air strikes on ISIS targets in Syria. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter makes a surprise visit to Iraq. The Iraqi army plans an assault to retake the city of Ramadi from Islamic State militants. Saudi Arabia signals support for the Iran nuclear agreement. And in Athens, negotiations begin on a third bailout for Greece. Guest host Susan Page and a panel of journalists discuss the top international stories this week.

ALEC's Scary Corporate Agenda -- 7 of Their Most Anti-Democratic and Science-Denying Ideas

ALEC's annual gathering revealed how right-wingers will push dangerous legislation across the country.
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We're Not Broke (2012)

A well-researched, brightly presented and provocative argument that the U.S. isn't overtaxed and profligate, but rather a paradise for corporate tax cheats.
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Dolphins are struggling to reproduce

...because of industrial chemical pollution in European waters that can linger in the animals' bodies for a lifetime...
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Israel accused of advancing new settlement plans

Peace Now group says a total of 1,065 housing units being planned in illegal Jewish infrastructure in the West Bank.  Read more

Shaming The Poor Over Diapers

Pulitzer Prize winner Connie Schultz, still one of the best columnists I know: A researcher for the Yale School of Medicine asked women in New Haven,...  Read more

Rachel Maddow Spars With Rick Santorum Over Gay Marriage, 'Man On Dog' Comments

I don't believe that Rick Santorum actually believes this -- he does have a law degree, after all. It's just a plausible narrative that's useful for s...  Read more

Elizabeth Warren Lets Primerica Prez Have It At Retirement Hearing

There are few things in life more fun than watching Elizabeth Warren eviscerate a financial services witness: On Tuesday, Senate Republicans invited ...  Read more

Ted Cruz: Millions And Millions Of People May Die Because Of Iran Nuke Deal

Senator Ted Cruz held a rally against the Iran nuclear deal in front of the White House and not only is he against it, but he proclaimed Obama will ig... Read more

Another State Fails The Drug Test

Yep. This has been a giant money-waster (except for the politically-connected companies that always seem to get these drug-testing contracts), and the...  Read more

What in the world is 'hair ice'? Scientists explain bizarre phenomenon.

Researchers have concluded that a fungus helps promote the growth of a beautiful and mysterious ice formation. ... Read more

Immigrant parents sue Texas over US-born children’s birth certificates

A group of Central American immigrant parents claim their children have been wrongfully denied birth certificates because the parents could not provid... Read more

What if Donald Trump runs as an independent candidate?

Donald Trump said butting heads with the GOP may lead him to run as a third party candidate, but polls suggests this scenario would play out in Hillar... Read more

FBI Director: Why ISIS is a bigger threat to the US than Al Qaeda (+video)

FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday that ISIS poses a bigger threat to the US than Al Qaeda, thanks to their strong online presence. ... Read more

Black Official Gets 'Dead N***er' Email For Wanting To Change Confederate Monument

A black Atlanta city council member started receiving racist hate mail this week after he proposed changing the giant Confederate monument on Georgia'... Read more

Ex-Prosecutor Wins Access To Transcripts That Christie Fought To Keep Secret

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — After an expensive legal fight, a former prosecutor who sued Gov. Chris Christie's administration over his 2010 firing has been gr... Read more

Senate Republicans Slam Kerry On Iran: You've Been 'Bamboozled,' 'Fleeced'

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State John Kerry bluntly challenged critics of the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran on Thursday, calling i... Read more

This Chart: GOP Favorability Takes A Nosedive Since January

Americans view the GOP less favorably now than they did at the beginning of the year, when Republicans took control of both houses of Congress. A new... Read more

Have You Heard Of Solar Desalination? If Not, You Will Soon.

Solar desalination combines two powerful technologies to make something even cooler. Developers hope it will go far in ... Read more

Rand Paul Can’t Comprehend Why There Are Iraqi Refugees: ‘We Won The Iraq War!’

"I thought asylum would be when you lost the war," the Republican presidential hopeful said.  ... Read more

The Vast, Hidden Community Of Racial Hatred In America

When Dylann Roof shot up a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina last month, he did so under the influence of ... Read more

More Than 100 Doctors Tell Big Pharma To Stop Making Cancer Drugs So Expensive

"It's time for patients and their physicians to call for change."  ... Read more

Jeb Bush Quietly Suggests ‘Phasing Out’ Medicare

Just in time for the program's 50th birthday. ... Read more

France Passes Law To Halve Its Energy Use, Slash Fossil Fuels And Nuclear

The French law will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cut fossil fuels, curtail nuclear power, and increase renewables. ... Read more

Federal Appeals Court Begs Supreme Court To Overrule Roe v. Wade

While a three-judge panel reluctantly concludes that existing Supreme Court precedent requires them to strike down an ... Read more

House Passes Bill That Would Allow Toxic Coal Ash Into Groundwater

The bill undermine's the EPA's attempt to regulate coal ash.  ... Read more

Sandra Bland Becomes The Latest Victim Of The ‘Marijuana Smear’

The allegation that Bland used pot shortly before her death fits a pattern in high-profile cases involving the questionable ... Read more

Jeb Bush Wants To Kill Subsidies For Oil, Gas, And Renewables

Not everyone in the environmental community is impressed with Bush's comments.  ... Read more

Jon Stewart on Iran deal: 'Bad deal? As a Mets fan... I know a bad deal'

Stewart then showed a clip of Sen. Lindsey Graham explaining on CNN that he thought the deal was terrible, even though he hadn't read it yet.
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People Aren't Magic

GOD'S WRATH | Crazy Shit The Bible Says #3

God's wrath on the disobedient (atheists, sinners, etc) from the pages of the Bible. God of love? You decide.
This video series dives headfirst into the Bible, examining the uncomfortable, immoral and all around crazy verses not typically addressed in your weekly services. Its time people really knew what their cherished book of fiction actually has to say.

Victory! Pro-Social Security Activists and Senators Halt GOP Plan To Kick 200,000 Off Benefits for Having Arrest Warrants

“Dropping the Social Security cuts from the Highway bill is the first encouraging sign we’ve seen from this Congress, when it comes to Social Security and Medicare, this year,” said Kim Wright, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare spokeswoman, speaking of the proposal that surfaced Tuesday and was deleted on Wednesday. “We certainly hope they’ve finally realized using these programs as an ATM for everything else under the sun simply won’t fly with seniors who’ve paid into these programs their entire working lives.”
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Bill Nye on the Monsanto Eco Disaster: ‘We Accidentally Decimated the Monarch Butterfly Population’

"Monsanto's glysophate doesn't just kill weeds — it also kills other plants that pollinator species depend on to survive."
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Things Only Ride-Share Drivers Understand

Fare is Fare.

Martin O’Malley’s Link Between Climate Change and ISIS Isn’t Crazy

It's the dog days of summer for U.S. presidential candidates, when Donald Trump is dominating the airwaves and candidates who seem to be losing their ...  Read more


Reader comments:

Larry Wilmore Takes On 'Loudest Proponents' Of Confederate Flag At Rally In South Carolina

For anyone that missed it, there were competing rallies this past weekend over the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina Statehouse ...  Read more

6 Fascinating Things About Sex Around the World

Who has the most sex? The least? What country is the most satisfied? Do artists get it on more than non-artists? Find out below.
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Scott Walker: Military Action Possible 'On Day One'

The Washington Post's Greg Sargent has a scary look at the plans of two GOP presidential contenders regarding Iran. My God, these Republicans are a bl...  Read more

Bill Cosby's a Horrible Person, Too

Did you hear about all those people who were raped? One after another, so many came forward to tell their stories.

They were young. They thought this would be good for their future. They had no reason to doubt their decision.

But they ended up scarred for life.

The victims lived with their secrets for years, in some cases believing they did something to cause it.

It had been going on for decades but the public ignored the stories. It didn’t matter how many accusations popped up, too many people looked the other way.

They had grown up with this institution. They had too many good memories. Plus, these “victims” probably had ulterior motives. Maybe they wanted money or a little time in the spotlight.

At worst, these were exaggerations.

After all, we’re talking about a moral authority. You always showed your respect. Even when you heard some unpopular ideas, you knew they had to be said. You smiled and went along with it. In fact, you couldn’t wait to share that legacy with your children.

And then more awful stories began piling up. It became harder to ignore.

There were cover-ups. Details were hidden. Payouts were made in the hopes that the victims would just go away. But you can’t hide that many accusations.

Then the dam burst.

Too many people spoke up, even though they had little to gain. The statute of limitations may have expired, so it’s not like they were going to make any money off of this, but the truth needed to be heard. They didn’t care about the backlash.

And now we all know the truth. The details are finally public, despite all the attempts to keep them private. There were admissions of guilt. If there was any doubt before, there shouldn’t be now.

And yet there are people who will rationalize the problems, as though they’re isolated incidents. They try to point out all the good times and positive values, as if they can be separated from the crimes.

That’s dishonest, of course. This is all part of a pattern. We can’t ignore it or look away.

But we should be appalled by anyone who tries to defend the institution’s legacy. It’s been tarnished and everyone needs to accept that and just walk away.

… but enough about the Catholic Church.

RWW News: Tim Wildmon Explains Why 'Satan Hates America'

Tim Wildmon explains that Satan hates America because this nation was created for the purpose of spreading the Christian Gospel.

This IS the War on Women!

Thom Hartmann says white, conservative men are waging war on women out of fear and hatred.

Freedom of Religion: Crash Course Government and Politics #24

Today, Craig is going to take a look at the First Amendment and your right to freedom of religion. We’ll examine some significant Supreme Court decisions and talk about how they’ve affected our interpretations of the law with respect to stuff like animal sacrifice and prayer in schools. As you’ll see, there aren’t always clearly defined, or bright-line, rules in approaching legal questions. Sometimes tests have to be developed to account for the ever-changing nature of the law and it’s applications - so we’re talk about some of those too.

Scott Walker Wants To Dismantle Government Accountability Board

Yep, he plans to stack the deck so no Wisconsin Republican is ever held accountable for anything ever again: Gov. Scott Walker says he supports disma...  Read more

Ted Cruz to GOP leader: You lied.

...Prompting the outburst was McConnell’s move to prepare amendment votes on a must-pass transportation bill. After senators voted to consider the bill, McConnell (R-Ky.) set up votes on two controversial issues — a repeal of the Affordable Care Act and a reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States — and did it in such a way that will make it difficult for other amendments to be considered...

Liz Cheney: My Father Would Never Make These Concessions To Iran

President Obama made a final appearance on The Daily Show last night, and he got in a few jabs his critics when asked about the recently negotiated Ir...  Read more

Surprise! Yet Another Planned Parenthood Hoax Video

It's gotten so bad, the NYT editorial board weighed in on the latest fake Planned Parenthood video. And of course devoted Catholic Bill "Loofah" O'Rei... Read more

Martin O'Malley: 'Real Problem' With Republicans Goes Beyond Donald Trump

"The real problem isn’t that the Republicans have such a hate-spewing character running for president -- the problem is that it’s so hard to tell him apart from many of the other candidates they have in their field."

Christian Florida parents want to ban books about Muslim fundamentalists banning books

...In an ironic twist, the books — written by Jeanette Winter — are about fears of Muslim religious fundamentalists destroying books and keeping young girls from receiving an education...

African clergy to protest Obama’s gay-rights ‘agenda’ on trip

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) Anti-gay activists, including conservative clerics, traditional elders and politicians, are threatening to resist any push by President Obama for gay rights during his Kenya visit later this week, with tactics that range from throwing rotten eggs to marching naked and boycotting his speeches.

A trip to a summer camp pushing to end abortion

...Except for the images of aborted fetuses they tote, these kids look like any other American teens: T-shirts, jeans, backwards hats. The average camper is between 16 and 17, according to Survivors. Some have braces or multicolored hair. In one-on-one conversations, they’re well spoken and polite...

Pharmacy owners cannot cite religion to deny medicine: U.S. appeals court

A unanimous three-judge 9th Circuit panel on Thursday decided that the rules are constitutional because they rationally further the state's interest in patient safety. Speed is particularly important considering the time-sensitive nature of emergency contraception, the court said.

AIPAC Kicks Off All-Out Push To Kill Iran Deal

Despite the money advantage, AIPAC doesn't have the political numbers on their side. Obama has said he'll veto any attempt by Congress to kill the dea...  Read more

Major General Vallely Wants Us To Help Israel Bomb Iran

There's obviously no shortage of unhinged lunatics on the right for Alan Colmes to do battle with in his weekly segment on's Versus. This ...  Read more

Rupert Murdoch’s Donald Trump Nightmare: He Can’t Control the Monster Fox News Created

Even the powerful mogul can’t stop his biggest media asset from acting as Trump’s biggest booster.
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America Leads Developed World In Treating Working Moms Like Crap

America is very harsh on working mothers.
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