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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Limbaugh vs. O'Reilly! Bible Thumpers and Gay Marriage


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Irv,

    Anyone can quote out of context and make it appear to mean other than what the author intended. Example: Jefferson was not a bible thumper nor a member of the religious right by any means. He was a deist, and he threw out most of the bible as a corruption by church of the simple philosophy of the man Jesus, whom he did not believe to be divine.

    Secondly, an attribution to Robert E. Lee, who represents the oppression of people supported by cherry picked bible verses, is hardly admirable. Laughable, in fact.

    Anyone who knows how the bible came to be and what it's various parts mean in context, would likewise not quote verses out of context as if they were some sort of authority.

    In your comment you omitted citing the source of some of the text.

    So my reaction: baloney. Sorry, but I decline to publish the full content of your comments because they seem likely to start a flame war, and I lack the time to moderate.

  3. By the way, Irv, this question remains: Is the author of the document you referenced ignorant of the actual positions of the people quoted? Or has the author undertaken a deliberate effort to distort history and deceive the reader? Ignorance or deception... I don't see any other possibility.


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