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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Are You Afraid We Might Shoot You? Good.

*Pro-gun lobbyist Larry Pratt outlined the role he thinks firearms should play in the U.S. system of checks and balances during a radio interview over the weekend. The executive director of Gun Owners of America told Cincinnati talk show host Bill Cunningham that the media is biased against the Second Amendment because they understand its original intent, reported Right Wing Watch. "Its real purpose is to serve as a restraint on government abuse, and since they want to be involved in government abuse, they kind of take it personally, I think," Pratt said Saturday during an interview on WLW-AM. He also suggested that the constitutional right to bear arms might somehow trump the freedom of speech that journalists enjoy under the First Amendment...* Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (TYT University and Common Room), Eboni K. Williams (attorney and radio host), and Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?! and TYT Sports) break it down on The Young Turks.

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