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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ask Me Anything (Hemant Mehta, The Friendly Atheist, #83)

Hemet Mehta says:
For this episode, I just answered a whole bunch of questions sent in by listeners!

They include:

– How can we help the “victims of religion”?

– What are the differences between atheists who were once religious and those who have never been religious?

– Are there any original atheism-related thoughts left to have?

– How has the pressure to generate content changed the way that you interact with people and respond to issues?

– Am I less “friendly” than I used to be?

– How did I go from math teacher to full-time atheism blogger? And how much does that pay?

– What tips do I have for young atheists trying to start a secular school group?

– Have I ever been discriminated against due to my beliefs?

– What are the positives of religion and the negatives of atheism?

– How can “Nones” organize better to leverage our increasing numbers into political and social action?

– What do I do to produce so much content?

– Will I be speaking at the upcoming Reason Rally and how should it be different from the first?

– Why bother with YouTube and podcasting?

– Since the religious demographics are shifting so rapidly right now, will we continue heading down the “right path” as a country?

– Why do you talk over your guests during podcasts?

– Why do I post so many articles and videos on marginal preachers and religious people?

– Do I always read the comments?

– How do I select guest bloggers?

– Will religion ever disappear completely?

– How will my wife and I deal with religion with regards to our child?

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