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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What Caused The Big Bang?

Hemant Mehta writes:

What caused the Big Bang? What came before the Big Bang?

These are questions atheists get asked a lot. The idea is that something had to create the Universe, and even if you accept the Big Bang theory, it must've been God who made that happen!

If you disagree with that, then what started it all? Huh, atheists?! Checkmate!

Let's get one thing out of the way.

To the religious people who say God caused it, it's up to you, then, to explain where God came from. And if you say God has just always been there, it's a cop-out answer since clearly not everything needs a "First Cause."

Okay, so back to the question: What caused the Big Bang?

No one knows. There are some theories -- and a lot of great books written by brilliant physicists explaining them -- but nothing we could say with any certainty.

What came before the Big Bang?

That may just be a question that makes no sense. Kind of like: What does the number 7 smell like? Or what's north of the north pole? You can't answer it because the concept is ridiculous.

Time started with the Big Bang. There was nothing before it. All the evidence available to us points back to that moment and not before it.

You're not happy with that answer, are you?

Yeah, me neither. That feels so unsettling. I want a more definitive answer. But there just isn't one.

It's important to acknowledge that this is a feature of science, not a bug.

It's an honest answer.

Religious people love to make up answers to things they can't explain.

Scientists admit when they don't know stuff, and they search for answers to the things they can know.

There's a lot we don't know. And a lot we may never know.

But I promise you that if the brightest minds in science can't give you better answers to these questions about our origins, Creationists sure as hell have nothing better to offer.

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